Mamaste Yoga Articles

Articles to support pregnancy and motherhood written by
Mamaste Yoga® founder, Karen Prior.

What should I pack in my hospital bag to get breastfeeding off to a good start?

Karen Prior answers:

Planning ahead is definitely a good idea. I do have a list of items that can be taken in your hospital bag that might be handy to have. I call it the Breastfeeding First Aid Kit.

1. No Bottles! sign

Make two copies of this sign. Have one put in your chart when you arrive at the hospital, and attach the other to his bassinette to alert the nurses that your baby is a breastfed baby and you do not want him to receive a bottle. If your baby does not have time to learn to breastfeed well before receiving a bottle, she is at risk for “nipple confusion.” This puts your milk supply at risk, can even cause your baby to develop an inefficient suck and can cause you to have nipple soreness. Nipple confusion can also cause your baby to refuse the breast.

2. Shot glass and salt packets

Should you get cracked or bleeding nipples, you can start to heal them fast by doing salt water soaks. Add a packet of salt (about half a teaspoon) to 8 ounces of very warm water. Pour the solution into your shot glass or medicine cup. Lean forward and place the cup against your breast with your nipple inside. Now you can sit up while maintaining the cup seal against your breast to create a nipple soak. Hold this for three to five minutes. The salt helps cleanse the wound and promotes healing. If you experience a burning sensation, you have used too much salt. For more info: read this. Report the cracked/bleeding nipples to a Lactation Consultant or Breastfeeding Counselor, as this can caused by latch and position issues.

3. Nursing shirt or gown

It is quite understandable that you might feel uncomfortable exposing your breasts when your brother or father-in-law are visiting your baby. Having a nursing top will allow you to discreetly breastfeed your baby while you have visitors. This helps ensure that you feed your baby on demand, regardless of who is in the room.

4. Breastfeeding Support Phone Number

Take the phone number of a Breastfeeding USA counselor, Lactation Consultant, or Breastfeeding Hotline.

Be sure you take a breastfeeding class or attend a few breastfeeding support group meetings, and you will be all set!

© Karen Prior,

no bottles sign

Download this sign: no_bottles_sign.pdf

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Nurturing Mother

Mamaste Yoga® salutes the mother in all of us, celebrates the miracle of childbirth, and nurtures the child by nurturing the mother.

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